Thank you for considering our Travel program for the 2024/2025 travel year First and foremost, it is important for parents/players to take a step back and realize completing this registration and accepting a spot on the team means you were selected after much thought by a club, a coach and to be a part of a team that will rely on you to be committed. Unfortunately, every year we do have to turn away players so please make sure you can commit to your team.
Commitment - the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity
The current registration you are completing consists of the following fees:U8 - a $50 commitment fee and then a $450 registration fee that can be paid in full or split into 3 payments.
U10/U12 - $100 commitment fee and a $900 registration fee that can be paid in full or split into 3 payments.
U14 and up - $100 commitment fee and then a $1000 registration fee that can be paid in full or split into 3 payments.
U16 up – You will be expected to attend 2 college showcase so we are requiring you to pay at the time of registration for one college showcase up front of $100 for the team to pay for the showcase up front regardless of your attendance to it or not to encourage attendance. This college showcase fee will not be refundable if you don’t attend.
Payment plans are due on the following dates 10/31/24, 11/30/24 and 2/15/25. If for any reason a payment is not received on time a $25 late fee will be assessed due to processing and record keeping. If a different payment plan is required an email must be sent to rotterdamsoccer@gmail.com and rotterdamregistrar@gmail.com. Registration and all payments will require a credit card to be placed on file and our system will charge the card on these dates. Removal of that card or non - use of a card will require an email to the addresses above. We cannot spend time tracking payments down when the system can take them automatically. A card must be on file.
Every year we require volunteer hours to make our April tournament successful. New this year is that we will collect an opt out fee of $50 at the time of sign up. Once you volunteer in April, we will give you back your $50 volunteer fee as we need to rely heavily on volunteers for this tournament to be successful.
Please review the following expectations and costs over the upcoming travel season. The registration fee includes practices both indoor and outdoor. It also includes our tournament in April. It includes outdoor Spring games/league fees and referee fees. Above and beyond the registration fee you should expect to purchase separately a uniform package from soccer.com which includes 2 jerseys, 1 pair of shorts, 2 socks. We do allow players to reuse last year’s uniform if you still have them and numbers work out for the team. Coaches will establish numbers and confirm when you can purchase uniforms.
Afrims, offers 3 winter sessions and the indoor session fees are extra as well with the costs of these session tripling over the last few years they are not included in the registration fee. Coaches decide what sessions they will join and players are expected to join their team for these session and costs be divided up as travel is a commitment and teams are established with expectations that soccer is the priority. Any outside tournaments are at a coaches discretion and those fees will be divided of what players can attend that tournament. (except for the U16 and up college showcase fee we are collecting)
Average fees
Uniform total costs usually is $80-$90
Afrims session fees
U8 usually $450 a session divided amongst players
U10 usually $750 a session divided amongst players
U12 and up $995 to $1395 a session divided amongst players
U8 – usually $350-$500 divided amongst player
U10 - $500+/- U12 - $650 +/- divided amongst players
U14 and up are higher upwards of $1,000 with college showcases around $1400 a team divided amongst players.
Most practices are held at our indoor turf facility in Rotterdam and outdoor grass fields. We also spread out to various hardwood gyms for futsal practices. Some older teams will also be placed outside at school turf fields for practices
We cannot offer multiple player discounts at the travel level as costs have increased heavily over the last few years for everything needed to keep travel operating and facilities maintained.
U16 and U18 will most likely do at minimum 2 away College showcases requiring travel and lodging. Regardless of your aspirations to play in college or not you are committing to a team where other players are going on to college athletics and rely on their fellow players for a good showing at these tournaments. A large part of athletes moving on to the collegiate level achieve this success through our Travel soccer program and RUSC has been very successful networking and getting your player in front of coaches at the college level. Our past players who graduated from our program have been placed at colleges and many remain involved with the club in some capacity.